How to get rid of Headlice
Please Note: HHD does not provide a headlice removing service. Please see the HHD policy below or click here to go there.
There are a few common myths that people believe regarding headlice, we would like to destroy these myths. Here are some facts.
Headlice can not fly, jump or swim.
They are not spread by objects i.e. hats and pillows.
There is no preference for dirty, clean, short or long hair. Although due to the grease in dirty hair the eggs won't be able to attach to the hair.
They can be transferred between humans and animals.
Once detached from the hair, headlice usually die within 12-24 hours.
Staying off work/school or washing clothing and bedding on a hot wash is unnecessary, as it is unlikely to help prevent the spread of headlice.
Always consider detection combing on a weekly basis.
Lotions, sprays and treatments should only be used if a live louse is found as they only solve an infestation and doesn't prevent one.
How to spot Headlice
Headlice can be difficult to spot. They're very small whitish or grey-brown that range from the size of a pinhead to the size of a sesame seed.
The only way to be sure someone has headlice is to find a live louse by combing the hair with a special fine toothed comb. This is called detection combing.
Always check the warm area's of the head i.e. behind the ears & nape of the neck.
Dry combing detection
Wash hair with shampoo and apply plenty of conditioner.
Use a wide comb to straighten and untangle hair.
Once the comb runs freely, swap to a louse detection comb.
Draw the comb down from the roots to ends of hair, with every stroke check the comb for lice each time. Remove the lice by wiping the comb with tissue paper or rinsing it.
Work through the hair section by section so that all the hair has been combed through.
Do this at least twice.
Wet combing
Wash hair with shampoo and apply plenty of conditioner - leave hair wet.
Use a normal wide toothed comb to straighten and untangle hair.
Once the comb runs freely, swap to a louse detection comb.
Draw the comb down from the roots to ends of hair, with every stroke check the comb for lice each time. Remove the lice by wiping the comb with tissue paper or rinsing it.
Work through the hair section by section so that all the hair has been combed through.
Do this at least twice to make sure no more lice are found.
Repeat this 4 more times over a 17 day period - days five, nine, thirteen and seventeen.
HHD Policy
As a responsible hairdressing salon, HHD has a strict policy in place in order to protect clients, customers and staff from any outbreak or infestation of headlice.
If headlice are found before starting a service, the service will be declined, recommendations advice will be given and a new appointment will be booked.
If headlice are found during a service, that service will be immediately stopped.
If cutting, the cut would be finished in the best presentable state as possible.
If wet, hair will not be dried and it will be left wet.
All of our equipment will be streilised and cleaned.
Any part of service completed is chargeable and advice will be given on how to remove/treat.
When headlice are found this is documented on the clients computer file.